hawaii // Kyra & Kale


This shoot means a great deal to me.

Not only was I blessed by meeting Kyra and Kale, two incredibly kind and passionate human beings, but I also shot my first full session on almost all film.

This is also the first time I would consider a shoot to be “hybrid”. Shooting both film and digital and then integrating them together. In the past I steered away from trying to match my digitals to my film for a few reasons. The number one reason is because when sifting through the photos, I almost always prefer the film scans. So I just ditch the digitals all together! The second reason is because I was busy and just didn’t have the time to try and learn how to match my digitals to my film scans. Well I knew for this session I wanted to practice and figure it out. And also because Kyra and Kale never took a bad photo… so a lot of my digitals were impossible to ditch.

So what you see in this post is a mix of film and digital. (70% film, 30% digital)

My friend Robyn, an amazing wedding photographer in Maui, was kind enough to connect me with Kyra, who is also a super talented wedding photographer! I am so grateful for the community over competition mentality that so many of us share <3 I also love that Kale is a full time fitness coach and part time wedding officiant! So we all had a lot of common ground when it came to photography and the wedding industry. But I must say, what I enjoyed most during this hike with Kyra and Kale was the love, passion, and respect they showed towards the land they grew up on. The words and wisdom they shared with me in such a short amount of time was so priceless and I will cherish those moments forever. I left with a full heart and a lot of Maui mud on my Birkenstocks.

Mahalo Kyra and Kale. I know we will meet again!

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hawaii // Kelsey + curt



Aloha! Where do I even start?!

Lets just say this shoot has been in the works for years! Kelsey and I have tried to make our schedules align a few times in the past. We are both from the same town back in Maryland but with busy summer schedules it just never worked out when they came back for a visit. But I think everything happens for a reason because I am so thankful we were finally able to connect in Maui, Hawaii! 

Kelsey and Curt have lived here for a few years now and it has definitely become their home. Whether its surfing, yoga, hiking, or so many other travels, these two are always up for an adventure! One thing that I admire so much about Kelsey is her perseverance and positivity. You would never know from these photos that just last year she was in a terrible car accident involving a drunk driver. She broke her femur bone and with Curt by her side, spent most of this year restoring her strength. I truly don't think she skipped a beat. And you best believe she was back in the water faster than you could imagine!

Like I've said before, their love and passion for the water is almost as strong as their love for each other. So combining the two was a no brainer. 


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